Elementum Metals ETCs are exchange-traded-commodities linked to the performance of the metal they represent.
Elementum Metals ETCs are linked to uranium and copper.
Elementum Metals ETCs offer investors a means of investing in physical metals without the necessity of taking delivery of physical metals. They provide daily liquidity and enable investors to buy and sell Elementum Metals ETCs in the primary market referencing a industry-recognised reference price. The ETCs are open-ended structures so track the reference price less any applicable fees.
Yes. Elementum Metals ETCs are physically backed by the metals they are linked to.
The metal used to back Elementum Metals ETCs is held in segregated metal custody accounts on behalf of the issuer Elementum Metals around the world.
The primary custodian is Waystone Corporate Services (IE) Limited based in Ireland.
Base metal can be identified by the custodian based on a combination of criteria:
the name of the producer
the brand
the lot number
the bundle number
the gross and net weight and/or
the quality of the Metal
Uranium can be identified by the custodian based on a combination of criteria:
the name of the producer
barrel number
the gross and net weight
Elementum Metals publishes a daily list of the specific lots of physical base metals identified by their lot and bundle numbers (the “Lot List”) that are held in off-warrant accounts on www.elementummetals.com.
Metal Entitlement is the amount of physical metal backing the ETC security. Metal Entitlement is reduced daily by a quantity of Metal equal to the Total Expenses Ratio and other applicable fees (applying the per annum rate and dividing by 365).
In the case of Copper, the amount is expressed in metric tonnes rounded to eight decimal places. In the case of Uranium, the amount is expressed in pounds (lbs) rounded to eight decimal places.
The Metal Entitlement for Elementum Metals ETCs is published on www.elementummetals.com on each Business Day.
Investors can buy and sell Elementum Metals ETCs in the primary market through an Authorised Participant firm.
Elementum Metals ETCs are not listed for trading on any exchanges. They are listed for daily closing prices only on the Vienna Stock Exchange.
The cash value is equal to the metal entitlement multiplied by the spot price of the relevant physical metal.
All financial investments involve an element of risk. The value of Elementum Metals ETCs changes over time by virtue of the movements in the price of the underlying physical metal and an investor may not get back the full amount originally invested.
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